Chamber Bucks Program
Information for Merchants...
Redeemable at 100% face value. (There is no service fee charged to redeem the certificates)
Non-Chamber members can accept Chamber Bucks. Our goal is to keep spending local!
Chamber Bucks do not expire.
Cash can be given back to the customer at the merchant's discretion. The Chamber will reimburse you for 100% of the face value of the Chamber Bucks.
To be reimbursed for Chamber Bucks...
* Mail to: Kewaunee Chamber of Commerce
308 North Main Street
PO Box 243
Kewaunee, WI 54216
(a check will be mailed to you within 2 to 3 days)
* Stop in: at Nicolet National Bank (Downtown Location) and ask for
Jeff Kleiman, Chamber Treasurer.

The Kewaunee Area Chamber of Commerce has Chamber Bucks (gift certificates) available for purchase. The goal of this program is to keep dollars local. Chamber Bucks can be given as employee incentives, gifts, awards, or for whatever reason you may choose.
Chamber Bucks can be used at Chamber members and non-Chamber members if they are willing to accept them throughout Kewaunee County.
Chamber Bucks do not expire.
You pick the value of the Chamber Bucks.
Redeemable for 100% of the value of the certificate.
Most merchants are willing to give change if the entire amount is not spent. However the goal is to spend the dollars locally so the Kewaunee Area Chamber encourages you to use all your Chamber Bucks at are merchants!
Chamber Bucks are available at Nicolet Bank and the Chamber Building. If you need more than a few Chamber Bucks certificates, call the Chamber at 920-388-4822 or email the Chamber at